Healthy Hummus

Healthy Hummus

If you don’t have a stick blender you may need to make this at home before you hit the road.

Healthy Hummus

Healthy Hummus

Of course you could just buy ready made hummus in the supermarket…but there is nothing more satisfying than sharing the hummus you have made yourself at 5 o’clock nibblies with the caravan neighbours. They will be SO impressed.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Appetizer


  • 1 400 g can Chickpeas Drain the liquid & keep
  • 1 tspn Crushed Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 cup Tahini
  • 1/3 cup Water


  • Drain the chickpeas & make sure you reserve the liquid for use in this recipe
  • Add the drained chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, tahini & the water into a mixing bowl.  Blend to a paste on a low speed with your stick blender.
  • Gradually add the retained chickpea liquid until you reach the required consistency.
  • Serve with dried fruit, veggie sticks & crackers.


If you don’t have a stick blender then you may have to make this at home before you hit the road.